A Musitech Blog

February Roadmap/ Update

Hello everyone! Over the last month, I’ve been working on building a backlog so that I can have a semi-consistent posting schedule. Here is what I currently have planned for the month of February:

Planned Posts:

Other misc. updates to the site that I want to implement/ have planned:

Other notes:

Of course, if I come across something else I find and want to talk about, I’ll likely post them or add them to my todo list. Editor's note: Updates are in this Color But this is what I have planned so far. I hope you all enjoy!

Feel free to leave any feedback or suggestions in the comments below via email (until I can set up a proper comments section maybe I should make a post on that I just set up the GitHub Discussions-based [giscus](https://giscus.app/). It was extremely easy and quick to set up, so I don't feel like it would really warrant it's own post).

I’m fairly new to blogging, so I’m always looking to improve my content and this site. Thanks for reading!

- Saketh